Integrity -- gay and lesbian Anglicans and our friends

Integrity's history


Integrity is an international organisation of gay and lesbian Anglicans and their friends. At Integrity's first conference in Chicago in 1975, six Canadians organised Canada's first chapter. We have had a presence at General Synod since 1983 at Fredericton and opened our first display in 1989 at St. John's.



Integrity in Canada

In Canada, we are an affiliation of chapters in various places. Our primary goal is to affirm the identity of Christian gay men and lesbians who are members of the Anglican Church. We believe that spiritual and mental health are created only when the whole person is involved in human activity -- religious, social, political, or sexual. We also offer a network for homosexual persons in small towns and rural areas, are a voice for them in the Church, and provide a Christian outreach to the lesbian and gay community. We evangelise in co-operation with similar groups in other denominations. Membership in Integrity is not limited either to Anglicans or to homosexuals.



Integrity and the parish church

Not all gays or lesbians are members of parish churches; many have been so badly hurt by negative attitudes and teaching that re-integration into parish life will be difficult and lengthy. For them, the fellowship we offer through our eucharists, newsletters or retreats is their only Church contact. Many former Anglicans are still suffering deeply because of the treatment the church has dealt out: ranging from a few unfortunate and ignorant remarks, to denial of ordination, to outright condemnation to hell! We hope to welcome our estranged brothers and sisters back to the Church, but we must first be able to demonstrate to them that they will be welcomed and ministered to by the Church. We do encourage our members to search for parishes where they will be welcome and can participate in parish life without pretence about their identity.



The Church's attitude toward lesbians and gay men

The Church's acceptance of homosexuals varies widely, from enthusiastic welcome to punitive and judgmental rejection. Many of us have been wrongly taught that our sexuality is sick or sinful, and we have been led to believe that we are inferior God's eyes, and in the Church. We have often been forced to hide our sexuality, pretending to be heterosexual or celibate.

Oppression is in the eyes of the oppressed. Attitudes are changing, though it is still true that gay and lesbian people are met with open hostility or grudging tolerance in many places in the Church. For instance, the Church celebrates marital and family life among its heterosexual members, but denies the same celebrations to its lesbian and gay members.

We have learned to be suspicious of phrases like "Judeo-Christian values", "family values", or "born again", because we have found they are often code words for exclusionary and even hateful attitudes.

This does not encourage us to relate the Good News to the wholeness of our lives. Some Church leaders and laity actively oppose human rights for lesbian and gay people. Despite all this, Integrity is a corrective force assisting gay and lesbian Anglicans to be open, honest, practising Christians within the parish life of our Church.



Those who disagree with us

Of course, there is opposition to many of Integrity's ideals, ranging from the vicious, insulting, and unthinking notions expressed in some Church publications, pulpits and Church meetings, to carefully thought-out differences with our theological, social, or medical viewpoints. Where we find that our right to our opinion is honoured and respected, we gladly reciprocate, in the hope that the mind of the Church may be improved in a careful consideration of true Christian values.

On the other hand, when we find disdain for and ignorance of the work of our theologians, teachers and other professionals, we exercise patience, hoping for the day when a mutually respectful dialogue is possible.



Homosexual visibility on the street and in Church

We sometimes find that heterosexuals make more of an issue of their sexuality than they need to. Heterosexuals make a point of introducing their husbands or wives, girlfriends or boyfriends, even in social situations where these relationships are irrelevant. They hold hands in public and show off pictures of their children. They wear rings on their fingers or parade in T-shirts that proudly convey information about their mates and sexual life-styles. Public kissing of mates meeting or parting at subway stations, airports and the like is actually promoted! Most of us consider such displays perfectly agreeable -- but it hurts and angers us that we are often accused of "flaunting" our sexuality when we do the same.



The Bible

Some proof-texts are used to assault us and to deny that gays or lesbians belong in the Church. Our reading of the Scriptures does not bear out this opinion. For a fuller examination of biblical texts, see Integrity's pamphlet What the Bible really says about lesbians and gay men.



Integrity and the Gay and Lesbian Community

Many Integrity members take an active part in the life of our larger community, from marching in Pride parades to serving in and leading many organisations. After all, our political aims are the same as most other Canadian homosexuals. We proudly show off our Anglican connections at major celebrations like Lesbian/Gay Pride, and affirm our Christian identity even in the face of hostility and rejection.



Instruction of Young Persons

The Church's teaching to its youth needs to cover several facets:



What Integrity asks of the Church

The Church must repent of all activity which serves to diminish or hurt lesbian and gay people. It must establish a community which is fully life-affirming. We call upon all our brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of sexual orientation, to work with us to build a Church and society of justice and of right-relations.

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Published by Integrity, chapters in Canada:


1121-14 Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2R 0P3
Box 873 Station F
Toronto ON M4Y 2N9
(416) 323 0389
Box 2797 Main Post Office
Vancouver BC V6B 3X2
(604) 432 1230

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