Morning Prayer

sacred gesture


My Beloved Divine Parent, the earth is turning from its vision of countless star-suns to look once again with great joy upon one star, our sun. A new day has dawned, and with it come fresh challenges to grow more mindful of you and of the web that unites me with all life.

I pause now in the midst of this springtime morning to be in a conscious communion with you, my God, so that I will use wisely this gift of a day of life. Wrap me in your Spirit as I now enter into silent prayer.


period of silent prayer or meditation


You who alone know the secrets of hearts, look with love upon my feeble attempts at silent prayer. I am grateful that you do not measure my effort but look only upon my love for you. As springtime life quickens upon this planet, may this morning prayer express my devotion.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


I know that your love for me, O God, is ever-constant and that you know all my needs, but as I begin this new spring day, I awaken my reliance on you as I pray for the following personal intentions:_______.

My happiness is not divorced from the well-being of others, and so I pray now for these persons:_______.

Grant me the grace to look with respect upon all I will meet this day and upon every event I encounter. Mindful that I am a pilgrim, may I treat each and every one with reverence and love, as a manifestation of you to whom I journey. May the work of my hands be part of the redemption of the world and its eternal springtime liberation.

As your priestly pilgrim, I dedicate this day and all that I shall do as an act of sacrifice to you, my God. I begin this day in a holy way

in your Holy Name

and in the name of your son Jesus

and in the name of the Spirit. Amen.


sacred gesture




Evening Prayer

sacred gesture


O Beloved One, Divine Parent of each of us, so quickly has this spring day come to an end. I rejoice in the signs of new life that are appearing and only regret that your spring comes so slowly in me. I lift my heart to you in gratitude for all the numerous blessings and gifts of this day that is now ending.

As this part of our planet turns away from the sun, and the darkness grows, I ask forgiveness for any lack of the Light in myself this day. I am sorry if my patterns of behavior have prevented me from loving unconditionally or have caused me to judge others. I pause now to take inventory of my day....

Wrap me, O Holy One, in your absolution as I readily give full pardon to all who may have caused me pain this day. In peace now, I enter into silent prayer.


period of silent prayer or meditation


O Blessed Silence, Divine Presence, after the toil of this day I am refreshed by your touch. With a grateful heart I now pray.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


From every corner of this green planet, from every place of worship and from every heart wrapped in prayer comes a single chorus of praise to you, O God. Oceans, mountains, prairies and valleys add their praise to my prayer of adoration and love.

I surrender myself to your safekeeping as night draws close to me. Bless with your presence those I love and especially this night:_______. Bless as well those who have no bed in which to sleep or who fear the coming of tomorrow. With your grace, I pledge to strive with more love to make my tomorrow better than this day.

I seal myself now in your presence

in your Holy Name

and in the name of your Son

and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.


sacred gesture
