Morning Prayer

sacred gesture


With a silent thunderous roar, the sun star of this planet is once again visible. The moon has reflected its light like a mirror this past night, but now our sun explodes in flaming beauty to warm this autumntide day. Make of my heart a mirror, O God, a new mystic moon to reflect your splendor, as I now enter into silence.


period of silent prayer or meditation


Aware of my spiritual poverty, my hands are upraised and cupped like a beggar's, as I ask you to fill my heart with your Spirit. Grant that this prayer will spread through my being like a forest fire driven by the wind of your Spirit. Then the flames of devotion will leap from word to word, causing each one to burst into flame, till all is fire, till all is love.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


O Divine Beloved, how richly you have seeded your creation with the mystery of life. You are not a stingy God, for you allow the sun to shine on good and bad alike. You daily pour forth a torrent of beauty for all on this earth. Aware of your endless generosity, I now offer to you the following intentions:_______. Lean close and hear my prayers as I remember my family and all those I hold dear:_______.

Drenched in the shower of your gifts, I am amazed that every year two million tons of cosmic dust fall upon this small planet. I marvel that my body is dust from stars whose blazing beauty is now silent. May my body which is composed of star dust, blaze anew with light this day, as I seek to do all out of love for you.

May your justice shine in my deeds, your truth in my words, your love in my acts of compassion, as I begin this day one with you.

Blessed are you, O Harvest of my heart,

Sacred Source of all life,

Delight of my days.


sacred gesture




Evening Prayer

sacred gesture


The magnetic power of this planet's gravity makes walking on the surface of the earth effortless and also holds in place the atmosphere of life that encircles us. That magnetic force further holds the autumn moon in obedient orbit about the earth. May the mystic magnet of your love now draw me into the shrine of my heart and ever closer to you, as I enter now into sacred silence.


period of silent prayer or meditation


How rich a gift is this holy communion with you. It is the deep well of peace, the eternal fountain of creativity and womb of endless life. In this season of gratitude and fullness, I join the chorus of chants from midnight vigils and the praise rising up from temples, pagodas and mosques all over the world, as I now pray.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


O Compassionate One, who knows my every need and hastens to provide whatever is lacking in my life, I place before you my intentions. May this prayer remind me of my poverty in your sight and that every gift comes from your generous heart. I pray for the needs of those I love:_______. Great is my family, spread far and wide across this planet. I pray tonight for those who are imprisoned, for those who are in fear and for all who suffer from injustice. Call all your children to live in peace, their hands empty of weapons, their hearts free of hatred and discrimination.

While I am quiet and still of body, I realize that, one with the earth, sun and planets, I am traveling 43,000 miles an hour toward our mysterious destiny in the uncharted starscape of space. As I prepare to surrender to sleep, remind me that I am indeed a planetary pilgrim, homeward bound to you. As this planet is encircled in our atmosphere's ocean of life, surround me with your peace and presence as I sleep.

Blessed are you, O Harvest of my heart,

Sacred Source of all life,

Ever-watchful Guardian of my sleep.


sacred gesture
