Morning Prayer

sacred gesture


As this new autumn day dawns, fresh with promise and abundant opportunities, the peoples on this side of the earth once again greet the gift of our sun-star and greet you, my God. While dawn has come to this hemisphere, I realize that on the other side of this earth, more than 7,000 miles away, night now enfolds my sisters and brothers in the East. O you who hear morning and night prayers with equal delight, as one song of love, receive my prayer of silence.


period of silent prayer or meditation


On this day, O Holy One, your children of Islam praise you as the one God, the only God. O you of countless names yet beyond all names, may my prayer now be one with all your earthly children as I lift up my heart to you.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


May this prayer and all I do this day be in holy harmony with Tibetan prayer wheels that spin in sacred praise of you, with oblations in Hindu temples, fasting of Indian ascetics and the sacred offerings of all peoples. May the untold sacrifices of lovers and saints and parents for their children invest my day with beauty before your eyes. As I rejoice in this cosmic communion, I pray for these personal needs:_______, and the needs of those who are dear to my heart:_______.

The mystic guides of Islam teach that "a person who has put a foot to the holy path must be content to travel like a turtle." For me at least, O God, this seems so true. Grant me patience, then, as I plod slowly toward wholeness and holiness. But also, make me eager to achieve a largeness of heart, a generosity of giving and a greater depth of humble service.

The whisper of winter and of death is upon the autumn wind; let me not delay my enjoyment of this day nor the wise use of what little time I have in this life.

Blessed are you, O Harvest of my heart,

Sacred Source of all life,

Delight of my days.


sacred gesture




Evening Prayer

sacred gesture


The darkness of this autumn night is lit by holy fire as candles flicker on Shabbat tables to welcome Saturday, the Sabbath, as Israel's Bride. I hear the night wind's echo of far-off cries from minarets, as the faithful of Allah are called to prayer. A holy night, an evening of prayer, is this Friday, and I add to these prayers of your Jewish and Islamic children, my prayer of the heart.


period of silent prayer or meditation


May my heart pulse in rhythm with the drum beats of Hopi Indians, with Hindu flutes that delight in Krishna and the chimes of Buddhist temple bells, as I also praise you, my God.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


Holy Father and Mother of the children of this earth, hear the many prayers that flood this autumn night. Mindful of the wondrous unity of the chorus of your devoted lovers, I humbly ask you for these favors:_______. When I pray for others, they are in my heart. So in an act of holy communion, I pray for the needs of those who are dear to me:_______. And I make my own the needs of those who are trapped in poverty and ignorance, those whose life span is cut short by a lack of food or medicine and those for whom this day has been a heavy burden.

In this autumn season of gratitude for the fruits of this earth, I give you thanks for the gifts of this Friday. Full of thanksgiving, I seek to overflow with pardon for all who may have caused delay or disturbance, pain or injury on this fall day.

Lean near and close my eyes with your compassionate touch so that I can sleep this night as I hope to sleep in death: anointed in your love and at peace with all.

Blessed are you, O Harvest of my heart,

Sacred Source of all life,

Ever-watchful Guardian of my sleep.


sacred gesture
