Welcome to Saint Jerome's HouseHome Page Of Daniel William FrancisSaint JeromeJerome, Bible Scholar and Translator The early Church had many scholars, but none so learned or prolific as Jerome. Born around 345 C.E. near modern day Rijeka, Croatia to Christian parents, he was given a fine classical education. In his late 20's Jerome made a pilgrimage to Antioch, where he learned Greek and pursued Biblical studies. Jerome was ordained a priest, and at the age of 37 he became secretary to Pope Damasus. Damasus selected Jerome to make a new Latin translation of the Greek New Testament which was badly needed (Jerome later expanded his assignment to include the Old Testament, which he translated from the Hebrew). Jerome eventually moved to Bethlehem, where he studied Hebrew under Jewish scholars. Jerome was a meticulous scholar, familiarizing himself with both the Greek and Hebrew Texts. Jerome spoke out decidedly for the Hebrew canon, declaring unreservedly that books that were outside the canon should be classed as "apocryphal" anticipating by 1000 years the reformers. The causes for which Jerome fought were three:
The legacy of Jerome is staggering, but his most lasting monument was the first comprehensive Latin Bible, which came to be known as the Vulgate. Jerome with his passionate temperament, was quick to criticize fault and blind most often to his own, was quick to take offense, full of egotism and so had enemies, but for the most part their reports were unpublished (perhaps in hope of avoiding his seldom controlled acid tongue) "until Jerome was too dead. It would have gone near to crush Jerome's heart...the blindworm judgment of posterity sometimes struggles towards the light,...[the] vision of Jerome assuaged, a Jerome who had added to knowledge, patience, and to patience brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love."(The Desert Fathers). Jerome, who lived most his life in poor health, died in 420 at the age of 75. JEROME:His life, writings and controversies by J.N.D. Kelly has just recently been re-released, and is a wonderfully comprehensive biography for those wish to learn more about this remarkable saint. And so in the spirit of Jerome I dedicate this page to Biblical studies and hopefully to promoting understanding, kindness, and love.
Truth never looks at me
crookedly The Truth of God's gracious Love is wondrous, and I would like you to know the Love of God. Click to hear it ! Christianity on the Web
For Christians the World Wide Web is wondrous place, with so much to see and read. One can visit a monastery (Christ in the Desert's Martyrology is always an inspiring read) or other spirital communities like Tazié and even read devotional magazines like, "The Upper Room", or original web devotions like WhoSoEver. There are pages devoted to Progressive Christian thought (although remember that thee are only one set of opinion, do not be afraid to let the Holy Spirt lead you to a different one) & Christian Mysticism. For us Anglican's there is Anglican's Online. For those of Lutheran persuasion might enjoy Progressively Lutheran. Roman Catholics will appreciate a direct Link to the Vatican and a fully online version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. All Christians will enjoy a visit to Christus Rex and see the beauty of the Christian art displayed there. The Christian Resources abound on the Web, but a few other places I do not wish to leave unmentioned are the World Council of Churches, the Canadian Council of Churches, the Revised Common Lectionary (and commentary on the RCL). And Mission St. Claire has a wonderful section for the Anglican/Episcopal Daily Office. Or if you are interested in Orthodox spiritulaity you might want to look into Orthodox Prayer.
There are organizations working to promote healing, understanding and justice for all God's children whatever orientation they may be, such as Mel White's Soul Force, and I am personally involved with Integrity. Also of interest on the subject of Queer Theology might be Embraced by God a web book specifically wrote for Queer youth (but a fun read for all), another good reource is found at Justin Cannon's Inclusive Orthodoxy. Jeremy Townsley's page on Homosexuality and Christianity , Kallos Beach,Uniting Church, and the Ontario Centre for Religious Tolerance--Homosexuality. My translation of choice is either the New Revised Standard Version, New Jerusalem Bible, or Revised English Bible. The NJB is the latest revision of the Jerusalem Bible, and is a fresh translation of the Bible produced by post-Vatican II Roman Catholic scholars. It also uses "Yahweh" as the divine name in the Old Testament. And has one of the nicest flows for modern English translation. The NRSV is gender inclusive, more literal, ecumenical and used by a wide range of denominations. And the REB is a beautiful and masterful revision of the New English Bible (To quote one reader Compared to the other "serious" bible versions, the REB does not have the specific agenda (some say bias) of the NIV. Plus I find it is an easier read than the NRSV; which I also find very good. and another reader says The text of this bible is the best ever, since the Authorised Version, as far as dignity and readability are concerned ). Bible
studycan be added greatly using the
computer. The computer Bible I recommend most (for the Macintosh anyway) are:
For those of you with limited hard disk space or just wanting to read on the web there is the ever growing Crosswalk Bible Study Tools. Then there is the oremus Bible Browseris a dynamic Bible search engine, that will allow you to search the entire Bible including the apocryphal books (including both the standard and Anglicized Edition of New Revised Standard Version). The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a huge repository of Public Doman works. Finally there is Computer-Assisted Theology: Internet Resources indexing many other great resources. And for "off the web" reading Christian Book Distributors and Amazon.com are great places to make book buying (and finding) easy and fast.
The following is a Gay Daily Devotional I have compiled,
I have listed only a very few resources here, but I hope this page has help you find something to help your spiritual growth. +May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
Homosexual affection may of course be an emotion which some find aesthetically disgusting, but one cannot base Christian morality on a capacity for disgust. Neither are we happy with the thought all homosexual behavior is sinful: motive and circumstances degrade or ennoble any act, and we feel that to list sexual acts as sins is to follow the letter rather than the spirit, to kill rather than give life. --Towards a Quaker View of Sex (1963).
About me...My name is who I am: God is my judge
(Daniel), therefore I will be a
strong defender (William)of God's faith, and in God I am free
(Francis).I live with my husband on
our farm located east of Milo (Alberta, Canada) a beautiful little community
115 km south east of Calgary. I
try to spend much of my time as a contemplative (in reading-meditation-
prayer). I worship in St.
Stephen's Anglican whenever I am in Calgary (but I have worshiped
as a server, in the Anglican Cathedral Church
of the Redeemer ) as well as the Church of my youth Hope
Lutheran in Milo. I would appreciate your E-MAIL on my home page, its contents or you can pass along any prayer requests: DWFrancis@aol.com.
Last Modified September 30th,
2015, Feast of Saint Jerome |