Here are a selection
of eBooks mostly of religious nature and most of them were complied
into eReader (PalmReader)
format. I
have converted them to ePub format because it is the standard format
now and the previous reader is no longer supposrted. Calibre
is a fine ebook management and reader software, and was my primary help
UPDATED: September 14th, 2013
Click to download but if your browser attempt to open it as a text file you will have to save as target file right-click in windows or crtl-click on macintosh, .
A few of these books are from other sources, all works here are believed to either be in Public Domain, or free distribution by the author has been implied, no copyright violation is intended and offending items will be removed if pointed out.
Anglican Rosary- Anglican
Prayer Beads are a relatively new form of prayer, blending the
Orthodox Jesus Prayer Rope and the Roman Catholic Rosary. Since
the earliest of times, people have used pebbles or a string of
knots or beads on a cord to keep track of prayers offered to God.
Virtually every major religious tradition in the world uses some
form of prayer beads. The use of the rosary or prayer beads helps
to bring us into contemplative of meditative prayer-really thinking
about and being mindful of praying, of being in the presence of
God-by use of mind, body, and spirit. The touching of the fingers
on each successive bead is an aid in keeping our mind from wandering,
and the rhythm of the prayers leads us more readily into stillness.
This little ebooklet. is a brief introduction to the Anglican
Rosary, including illustration of the Rosary and explanation of
how to use it and some sample prayers.
Twenty-Three Tales, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy(1828-1910)
- This is a seriers of short stories, I believe
the Christian Classics Ethereal
Library was the source of this one, it;s a great place to
find free Christian Works.
1979 Book Of Common Prayer - This liturgical resource was put into ebook
format by "St. John in the Wilderness"
The Holy Rule of St. Benedict Devotional Arragnement,
Translated by Leonard J. Doyle - Adapted from St. Benedict's Rule for Monasteries
using the division into sense lines of the first edition. Translated
from the Latin by Leonard J. Doyle, secular oblate of St. John's
Abbey. © Copyright 1948 by the Order of St. Benedict, Inc.
Collegeville, Minnesota.", Devotionally divided for daily
reading and language adapted; even chapters for women; odd for
men. 1995,
Revised Common Lectionary with
Week Day Reading Guide. - Based on Gail
Ramshaw's Between Sundays This daily Bible readings is designed
to support and enrich the ecumenical three-year Revised Common
Lectionary. Beginning with the appointed readings for Sunday,
each day of the week suggests a biblical reading selected to relate
to the Sunday readings. A brief summary phrase for each reading
enables the reader to see the connections between all of the week
readings and the Sunday readings. This is the only RCL-based daily
lectionary table that grows out of and amplifies the central Sunday
readings. The season after pentcost has two sets of Old Testament
readings (the trational typological readings relate in some way
to the Gospel are listed first, the second set is a set of readings
are layed out in a semi-continuos fashion. This EBook edition
also has been expanded by offering a few Alernates from the Book
of Common Prayer for the Holy Days, and Commemerations.
BUDDHA, THE WORD Nyanatiloka,
Editor - An outline
of the teaching of Buddha. While it may well serve as a first
introduction for the beginner, its cheif aim is to give the reader
who is already more or less acquanted with the fundamental ideas
of Buddhism, a clear, consice, and authentic summary of its various
Cat Quotes - This ebook has
been primaily compiled from the website,
many other quotes proverbs and poems have been added to it as
well as the removal of most duplicates.
Daily Office Lectionary -
This lectionary is based on the 1979 US Episcopalian Book of Common
Prayer (BCP) Daily Lectionary (Which was adapted by the Lutheran
Church in their publication of the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW),
with minor changes, and by the Anglican Church of Canada with
other minor changes in the Book of Alternative Services (BAS)).
In this edition the changes in the LBW have often been adopted
usually retaining the BCP reading as an alternate. The Non-festal
readings from the BAS December 26-21 are used here (Festal readings
are provided in the appendeix).
Daily Office Psalter - A Four Week Psalter :Inclusive Language
With Intercessions & Night Prayer - My own personal four week
psalter based on the Carmelite Sisters Inclusive Psalter with
texts from the NJB (both altered) and in keeping with the tradition
of some monasteries from the middle ages, the Te Duem or Canticle
of the Church is put into the mid-day office.
Daily Prayers (PPP) - These prayers are taken from from Edward
Hays' Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim, giving you a week of morning
and eveing prayers for each of the four seasons.
Didache -
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles to the Nataions
also knowon as The Didache with introduction and commentary.
An anonymous manual of church instruction, believed to have been
written sometime between A.D. 85150, possibly in ancient
Syria. It is a unique collection of early Christian sayings and
liturgical instructions on worship, baptism, the Eucharist and
church leadership. Its three divisions include a section on the
"two ways" (1.1- 6.2), a manual of church order (6.3-15.4)
and an apocalyptic closing (16.18).
Embraced by God: Queers, the Bible and Conservative
Christianity, Chris David Kramer - An illustrated
work aimed at youth but enjoyable for all, from the QueerMe
web site, which has the PDF version.
Enoch -
The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth
of Christ and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in
its theology than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many
early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called "Church
Fathers" is filled with references to this mysterious book.
The early second century "Epistle of Barnabus" makes
much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third Century "Church
Fathers" like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement
of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230
C.E) even called the Book of Enoch "Holy Scripture".
The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official
canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries
after Christ. This and many other books became discredited after
the Council of Laodicea. And being under ban of the authorities,
afterwards it gradually passed out of circulation. This eBook
version gives you a brief introduction and translation, of 1 Enoch
(2 different translations) as well as the apocolypse of Enoch
(2 Enoch).
Dirty Hippy Liberal Christian Home Journal,
Rev. Matthew Baldwin - An eBook created
from web archives and subtitled The Christian Life & Faith,
"Christian" Politics, Liberal Theology, Liberal Doctrine.
This mini book has some wonderful articles including: On The Liberal
Christian, -The Way of The Dirty Hippy, -The Role of the Bible
for Christian Faith, -What Is Sin?, -Mom, Apple Pie, and the Army:
Family Values, American Movies, and the Military Industrial Complex,
-Sexuality, Marriage, and Christian Values, and finaly -Dirty
Hippy's Prayer List.
The Little Flowers of St. Francis
of Assisi, Brother Uglolino - Little Flowers
by Brother Uglolino, and translated Arthur Livingston. St. Francis
of Assisi's ecstatic embrace of a life of poverty revolutionized
Christianity even as it transformed the ethics of the West. In
this luminous and lively book, St. Francis's followers preserved
his legend and those of his first disciples, combining stories
of miracles with convincing portraits of men who were no less
human for having been touched by God. "God is our home
but many of us have strayed from our native land. The
venerable authors of these Spiritual Classics are expert guides--may
we follow their directions home."-Archbishop Desmond
My Utmost for His Highest Oswald
Chambers - The
classic devotional taken from My Utmost
for His Highest by Oswald Chambers web site.
One Proverb - Proverbs and sayings from around the world
presented in lists, including African, Chinese, Mexican, Native
American, Yiddish and Zen Proverbs, published by
Popular Quotations Arranged For
Daily Use, Thomas W. Handford - A
slection of over 2000 quotes giving you a selection of inspiring
Spiritual poems and prose, to aid in your devotional life.
Prayer Book Psalter -
The Psalter is a body of liturgical poetry aslo known as the
Book of Psalms in the Bible. This version of Psalter has had the
chanting points (') added from the Lutheran Book of Worship and
prayers at the end of each Psalm in this Psalter are taken from
the Anglican Church of Canada's Book of Alternative Services.
A Year of Office Readings, Roman Catholic
Rite - This collection of readings for each
day of year from the Liturgy of the Hours, is taken from "The
Office of Readings" Published by the Daughters of St. Paul,
50 St. Paul's Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Boston, MA 02130 (as archived
with the addition of a reading for February 29th, taken from the
same book, from an unused lenten reading. And the entry for March
30 (the Easter second reading in the Office is from Ezekiel) has
been added. This selection of readings follows the secular calendar,
but makes for a fairly typical liturical year with First Sunday
of Advent falling December 1st (the first Sunday typically is
anywhere from November 27th to December 3rd) and Ash Wednesday
falling on Februray 12th (Ash Wednesday typically is anywhere
from February 6th to March 8th). People wishing a complete selections
of Liturgical readings might be able to find a copy of the above
out of print work, or purchase the Four Volume Set of the Liturgy
of the Hours (with the same translation of texts, but with all
feast days, as well as the Biblical selections taken from the
NAB, and the Grail Psalter. Covering the entire Liturgical year.
Rearching Theology, Celebrating
Diversity, Wal Anderson - From web archives
a several articles writen from a Queer Thelogical perspective,
including: - Subversive Elements In The Genealogy In Matthew,
-A Pushy Woman and Other Outcasts, -Two Daughters of Israel: A
Power Reversal, -Jesus: A Defacto Eunuch, and -The Ethiopian Queen
of the Desert. More from Wal Anderson can be found on Kallos
(kallos - derived from Koine Greek for beautiful, good, proper).
The Life and Works of Sadhu Sundar
Singh - As a Christian witness he had been rejected
as well as welcomed, persecuted, and even left for dead. By many
missionaries and even Indian Christian leaders he had been regarded
as a highly eccentric convert, totally out of step with contemporary
Christianity as he wandered the roads in his yellow robe and turban.
And yet, even though he never heard the later vogue-word "indigenisation,"
he had done more than any man in the first half of the twentieth
century to establish that "Jesus belongs to India."
He made it clear that Christianity is not an imported, alien,
foreign religion but is indigenous to Indian needs, aspirations,
and faith. He remains one of the permanently significant figures
of Indian Christianity. And his mystical writings speak today,
as when they were first wrote.
Stations of the Cross -
With 14 beautiful icons of each station from an unknown source,
this will help you do the Stations ( or Way) of the Cross, which
consists in prayer and meditation on the suffering of Jesus. Taking
a journey alongside the Lord, and witness His patience and perseverance
in accepting death from us so that we might live to God.
Stories of the Sun -
The stories we tell shape the way we view our world and our
place in it. For people uncomfortable with religious language,
but who still seek spiritual truth, legends and folklore can do
what sermons and theological texts cannot: touch the heart in
a natural but powerful way, without pious words. Storytelling
has always played a vital role in the Bruderhof, where we draw
on a wealth of folklore from the many different cultures our members
represent. Stories of the Sun contains some of the best
of these folk tales and legends, ones that have stood the test
of time and inspired more than one generation. The website of
the Bruderhof
Communities has many free eBooks.
Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu -
The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu is among the most widely translated
and cherished books in the world. The Tao Te Ching roughly translated
as The Book of the Way and its Virtue is an ancient Chinese
scripture originally named the Laozi. The work is traditionally
said to have been penned about 600 BC by the famous sage called
Lao Zi (WG: Lao Tzu, "Old Master"), who is said to have
been a record-keeper of the Emperor's Court of the Chou Dynasty;
but authenticity, dates and authorship are still debated. This
translation is prefaced by a lengthy introduction and a lot of
background material. Less poetic than some and may be best for
the first-time reader.
The Analects of Confucius - The most influential text in the history
of China and East Asia. Confucius failed in his lifetime to rescue
a crumbling civilization with his teachings, but he was to become
the most influential sage in human history. His thought, still
remarkably current, survives here in The Analects-a collection
of brief aphoristic sayings that has had a deeper impact on more
people's lives over a longer period of time than any other book
in human history.
The Bible, Christianity, &
Homosexuality, Justin R. Cannon -
What does the Bible really say about homosexuality?
Should the Church allow the blessing of homosexual marriages/unions?
Should a homosexual in a committed relationship be ordained a
priest or even consecrated bishop? What about tradition? What
should I tell my friends or relatives who are gay? Must they remain
single for their whole life? We all have pondered at least one
of these questions at some time or another. This work explores
theses questions. From the
web site, which has a PDF version.
The Ecstasy of God, Daniel W.
Francis - The ecstasy of God is a seed in the
soul of each one. A seed placed there by God at our creation,
to which God wants to give growth and see the seed flourish for
God is the ultimate gardener (John 10:10, 15:1). For all true
satisfaction comes from the hand of Yahweh our God Most High (Ecc.
2:24, 25), so we can look only to God to find satisfaction. This
is a nutshell is the reasoning behind this work I complied of
gospel readings and a secondary reading, sometimes scriptural
but more often than not simply spiritual. I wrote it as a gay
devotional but there is something of value that can surely be
had for all on whatever path you are on. This is not fully corrected
but I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.
The Gospel of Buddha, Paul Carus
- First published in 1894, this is the book
that first introduced many Westerners to Buddhism; it remains
a useful overview of the life and teachings of the Buddha. Carus,
an independent philosopher who studied and published on Eastern
and Western philosophy, was instrumental in raising Western awareness
of Buddhism at the turn of the century. It was so well received
by Buddhists it has been translated into many eastern as well
as numerous european languages. This book gives an accurate account
of the life of the Buddha. "The aim of this book", said
the author, "is to set forth as simply as possible the Gospel
of Buddhism according to the Buddhist Scriptures, and to consider
the Buddhist systems in relation to the Brahmanical systems in
which they originate, and to those systems of Christian mysticism
which afford the nearest anaogies"
The Gospel of Thomas: Introduction,
Text and Commentary - The Gospel of Thomas
is an anthology of aphorisms, proverbs, parables, prophetic sayings,
and community rules preserved in the name, and under the authority,
of Jesus. It is thus a representative of the genre chreia collection:
concise sayings aptly attributed to Jesus are listed seriatim
in the form of direct statements made by Jesus or responses to
questions asked of him. Whereas the colophon at the end of the
text presents the anthology as a "gospel," the incipit
provides the original designation for the genre as a collection
of attributed "sayings." The Gospel of Thomas may therefore
be regarded as a sayings gospel. The division of the text into
114 sayings is not given in any manuscript but has become a standard
scholarly practice since that procedure was introduced in 1959
(Guillaumont et al. 1959: vi).
The Imitation of Christ, Thomas
á Kempis - The
Aloysius Croft edition of devotional classic The Imitation
of Christ, had the aim was to achieve a simple, readable text
which would ring true to those who are already lovers of this
incomparable book and would attract others to it. The text has
been put into English as it is spoken today rather than the cloudy,
archaic terminology that encumbers so many translations of Christian
classics. The result, we feel, has achieved a directness and conciseness
which will meet the approval of modern readers.
The Madman, Kahlil Gibran - Poet, philosopher, artist, prophet and
writer, Kahlil Gibran was born in Bsharri, Lebanon in 1883.
He died in 1931 leaving an amazing legacy in the form of his writings
and drawings which have soothed and inspired millions.
To many he is a genius whose philosophical and prophetic style
convey important messages about life and humanity in a simple,
yet beautifully eloquent manner, that are as fresh and meaningful
in today's world as when they were first written. THE MADMAN was
first published in 1918. Although written nearly 100 years ago,
it remains timely. In addition, it was Gibran's first published
verse. Most of his works are availbe free of chrage at Kahlil
Gibran Online.
The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
- In a distant, timeless place, a mysterious
prophet walks the sands. At the moment of his departure, he wishes
to offer the people gifts but possesses nothing. The people gather
round, each asks a question of the heart, and the man's wisdom
is his gift. It is Gibran's gift to us, as well, for Gibran's
prophet is rivaled in his wisdom only by the founders of the world's
great religions. On the most basic topics--marriage, children,
friendship, work, pleasure--his words have a power and lucidity
that in another era would surely have provoked the description
"divinely inspired." Free of dogma, free of power structures
and metaphysics, consider these poetic, moving aphorisms a 20th-century
supplement to all sacred traditions--as millions of other readers
already have. Published in 1923, it is considered his greatest
work and by many the most famous work of religios inspiration
in the twentieth century. Most of his works are availbe free of
chrage at Kahlil Gibran Online.
The Wanderer, Kahlil Gibran
- This book, which is the last one that Kahlil
Gibran wrote shortly before he died in 1931, is truly one of his
finest. The parables and poems are comparable to his "The
Forefunner" and "The Madman." It's teachings leave
you with a strong sense of newly found compassion and wisdom.
The wander's stories are both profound and alive in this book.
Most of his works are availbe free of chrage at Kahlil
Gibran Online.
Walden, Henry David Thoreau
- Kathryn Van Spanckeren says, "In Walden,
Thoreau ... opens the inner frontier of self-discovery as no American
book had up to this time. As deceptively modest as Thoreau's ascetic
life, it is no less than a guide to living the classical ideal
of the good life. Both poetry and philosophy, this long poetic
essay challenges the reader to examine his or her life and live
it authentically."
What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality,
Daniel Helminiak, Ph.D. - This eBook version
is based on Daniel Helminiak's web site version of his published
book which is somewhat different than the printed versions. His
work, along with the research of top scholars--such as Yale history
professor John Boswell and New Testament professors L. William
Countryman of Berkeley and Robin Scroggs of Union Theological
Seminary--shows that those who perceive Bible passages as condemning
homosexuality are being misled by faulty translation and poor
interpretation. This information is copyrited and was reprinted
with the permission of Alamo Press. For further information into
the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality," please
see your local library or bookstore.
World Scripture: A Comparative
Anthology Of Sacred Texts - This collection
contains over 4000 scriptural passages from 268 sacred texts and
55 oral traditions, and is organized in terms of 164 different
themes. This text is the result of a five-year project involving
the collaboration of an international team of 40 recognized scholars
representing all the major religious traditions of the world.
Hardbound edition published by International Religious Foundation,
Paragon House. The original etext was taken from Bruce
Schuman's World Scripture site.